加拿大自然醫學博士 王永憲

TJ 彭朝榮博士

TJ老師現任:晴康中心脊骨神經顧問,Pure Yoga資深瑜伽老師


美國加州Santa Cruz大學生物學及心理學雙學位學士


彭朝榮(T.J.)脊骨神經博士(D.C.) 彭博士畢業於洛杉磯的脊骨神經醫學院,而後在Santa Monica的私人診所看診。2006年回來台灣後曾在台北的台灣整合醫學中心服務 。隨後於2007年赴義大利深造,在米蘭當地知名且業務繁忙的脊骨神經專科診所服務了一年,每天看診的人數最多高達50多人,也因此累積了豐富的整脊經驗,於2010年加入平順天然身心靈(現晴康身心靈中心)團隊。 彭博士同時更取得國際人體運動應用學(A.K)學院的證照。在脊醫學院的正規課程外,更積極地參加超過300小時的脊醫專科研討會。不但是加州認證的脊骨神經醫師執照,並且也是擁有加Santa Cruz大學的生物學及心理學的雙學位學士。

彭博士除了擁有紮實的學理基礎與豐富的臨床經驗,同時也是International college of applied kinesiology USA認證之“應用人體動力學治療師。更特別的是,從中學起彭博士就學習瑜珈,師承印度及北美多位瑜珈大師不斷學習精進逾15年,具有多年教學經驗,並多次親赴印度進修。即日起在晴康中心搭配非侵入性輔助治療及瑜珈身心協調指導來協助患者面對運動及生活中的種種疼痛與壓力。 脊骨神經醫學與人體應用動力學簡介 應用人體動力學以診斷的肌肉測試方法,以及人的步伐與姿態的分析,來讓人體回到內外的平衡。應用人體動力學將健康看成是整體的,其中並結合人體結構(肌肉與骨骼的神經系統)、化學(生物化學與營養學)、情緒(精神與心理上的),是一門多變化,涵蓋各種如顱薦骨平衡術、顳顎關節調整、陰陽五行與經絡系統、接骨術、順勢療法等醫學技術,來幫助患者恢復健康。

脊骨神經醫學與瑜珈 瑜珈,Yoga字源是yuj,是梵文「連結」(to yoke)之意,連結身體、心智與心靈。以好的心意並以正確的方式來練習瑜珈,便能夠獲得身心之癒療功效。彭博士研習瑜珈多年,師承近代著名的印度大師 S. T. Krishnamacharya,同時也向美國著名的Richard Freeman、Jasmine Lieb、Chuck Miller等著名西方瑜珈大師學習,對人體與心靈間之交互作用,其對健康的平衡影響,有著更深入細膩的體會與認知,藉由對脊骨神經與瑜珈雙重的研究與了解,彭博士能給予瑜珈運動愛好者最適切的協助以舒緩練習過程中的傷害,同時也能提供正確的舒緩運動處方給一般腰背疼痛患者,更溫和有效的減低不適。

T.J.  stumbled upon yoga and chiropractic accidently during his studies at University of California Santa Cruz.  As a child he was plagued with allergies and constantly carried tissues and handkerchiefs to wipe his nose and clear his sinuses.  He started doing yoga and eating healthier selections of food and it cleared up his allergies for good.  He also notices in certain twisting postures it would also clear up his sinuses.  The idea of holistic natural health care had lingered in the back of his mind for a while when the time was right for me to start my chiropractic education at Los angeles College of Chiropractic (Southern California University of Health sciences).  At the same time he became the president of the Wellness and Yoga Club on campus and he needed to learn how to conduct and teach a yoga class.  He also started his education and training on how to teach yoga.  He did his first 200 hour training at yoga works under the guidance of Lisa Walford and Annie Carpenter and later apprenticed with Therapeutic guru Jasmine Lieb.  He was also heavily influenced by the founders of yoga works Chuck Miller and Maty Ezraty as well as his Iyengar mentor Eric Small.  He graduated from Los Angeles College of Chiropractic in December of 2004 and got Licensed in May of 2005 and started his private practice in Santa Monica.  He moved away from the US in April of 2006.

Space yoga teacher , Taipei, Taiwan.  May 2006-2007

Chiropractor, TCAMC, Taipei, Taiwan.  July 2006-2007

Static Clinic, chiropractor, Milan, Italy.  June 2007-2008

Yoga living yoga teacher Taipei, Taiwan, June 2008-2009

Chiropractor, TCAMC, Taipei, Taiwan  August 2008-2011

Pure yoga teacher Taipei, Taiwan, June 2008-present

Chiropractor Applied kinesiologist and yoga therapist, Taipei Taiwan 2008-present

BA Molecular cellular developmental biology and Psychology with emphasis in social psychology.  June 1997

DC Doctor of Chiropractic, Los Angeles college of chiropractic (Southern California University of health sciences)  December 2004.


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